Thursday, November 29, 2007

Update on life...

This is a whiny post meant almost entirely to make me feel better...skip it if you are not in the mood :)

As evidenced by my panicked post approximately 5 hours ago, I am happy to report the status of Law School Exams as being 1 down, 4 to go. Two of them I'm not too worried about - Professional Responsibility is multiple choice, and Evidence is objective. And hopefully I have a little evidence background to surf on after 10 years of mock trial. But Con Law and Civ Pro...well, no telling who will come out on top.

Life just seems to be chucking it at us lately, and I've been uncharacteristically unhappy about it all. School was a wash this semester - nothing inspired or interested me, there wasn't a single class I wouldn't have been happier staying home during. I didn't read a single page for any of two of my classes after the first day - this is a new low (high?) in my slacker-ness!

We are moving to a spiffy new condo - but we have to be out by Saturday, and I am an idiot, and scheduled the electricity to be cut off tomorrow. Hopefully it doesn't get too cold, because I don't think there is any way we will be finished tomorrow night. Who knows where (or if) we will sleep! We have packed maybe 10 boxes...but we have a TON of stuff. Most of it mine. I love the new place, and it is cheaper, but I am kind of skeptical about our stuff fitting in it. I would also like to live somewhere that looks like a real house, rather than a hodgepodge of free stuff, but I don't think that will be happening any time soon.

I have a project for work that I just can't work up the motivation to finish (start?) - it's categorizing EVERY law affecting public safety on a local recreational lake. I think this may be a bit ambitious. Let's not discuss how long I have had this project, or when I was supposed to finish it by.

And, as always happens at the end of the semester, the student loan money has run out. My lackluster enthusiasm for work has not helped this situation. Unfortunately, this is the least convenient month to be broke.

I must have had 10 interviews this semester - one call back (does a reception count as a callback?) and no job offers. John is still looking for a new job.

In other news, John has gotten me hooked on World of Warcraft. Level 33 human warrior - I'm having a lot of fun with it. It's nice to have something frivolous to think about. I wish John and I could play at the same time, but we sure can't spring for a second account right now. We are in the same kick-ass guild, though! I've met and made friends with a few fabulous people - it's so interesting to me how different everyone is. A father, a student my age, and a 15-year-old - all playing the same game. John's hilarious, so everyone loves him - I got lots of flack about being his wife. And I love my toon's name - much better than mine, totally random choice.

So anyway - for the Alliance! (Can we discuss how Horde outnumber Alliance 4:1 or more on Coilfang? It's awful questing anywhere other than starting areas - the gankage is horrible!) I'm done with Redridge and Duskwood, can't decide where to go next. Stranglethorn is a little too deathly for me right now. I think I'll stay in Arathi to keep trucking toward exalted with Stormwind, but I might go to Wetlands (talk about uninspiring scenery) or Hillsbrad. I did my first battlegrounds (Arathi) the other day - I must have done about ten and the Alliance only won one. How depressing. I don't think I'm a very good PvP-er - I'm much more inclined to run past a Horde than attack him. Oh well.

Well, enough depressing randomness for today, I think. I will try to be a better blogger :)

Corporations Exam in...

15 minutes. Please shoot me.